Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday

If you read my Christmas decorating post, you know that I am a firm believer in Santa Claus co-existing with nativities at Christmas. (Obviously Jesus is more important - but that's another blog post) I feel the same way about the Easter bunny. He shouldn't be the main part, but he is a part of our Easter. Ok, I will now get off my soapbox and post pictures. :)

When Abby woke up, she came into the kitchen because I was already in there. She never fails to seek me out. And she found goodies from the "Easser bunny." The pink bag is from Mike the Bunny - our neighbor who is also our home teacher from church. Go Mike! The pre-packaged basket showed up after I sent Daddy the Bunny to grocery shop Saturday night while I moaned and groaned about my horrible backache. (I'm not a fan of pre-packaged baskets...but it worked. And he did get the extra few things I'd told him I wanted her to have. Good job, Daddy the Bunny.)

Side note: When Zac got home from Wal-Mart Saturday night, he told me he saw at least ten people buying bikes. Bikes for Easter? Really?? No offense if the Easter Bunny brought bikes to your house - but it seems like a bit much to me....

After church, we drove up to the new Draper temple to take our family pictures. When you have such a beautiful building so close, I see no reason to pass it up! I suspected we would find other families up there taking pictures and we did. So we traded photography duties so we all got entire-family pictures. Yea!! :) Grams made my dress (my skirts are getting a bit tight) and sent us Abby's dress and shoes.

Our beautiful Draper Temple!!

"My new dress 'Rams got....for ME!!"


Mary said...

Cute Easter Pictures! - and I agreee bikes are way too much for Easter.

TroxelTribe said...

Ahh, Abby's dress is SOOOO pretty! We do the presents and stuff from the Easter bunny too, but don't really talk about the Easter bunny. He's just side note that inevitably comes up through tv, friends, family, etc. I'm thinking that for Easters and Christmas, we're going to leave a framed picture of Christ on our table (where Santa and the Easter bunny leaves stuff), so he's part of the morning too. I'm also thinking that before (or maybe right after??) we open the stocking or basket stuff, that we'll say a thanksgiving prayer... I'm still working out the details of it all in my mind, but they are inevitably going to be a part of the holidays, but I'm just trying to find other ways to bring Christ more into it too.
btw, bikes - yeah, a bit much. Although they're certainly not as expensive as they used to be. I think Sophie might get one for her birthday :)

Christine Schilling said...

Ok...so I didn't get a bike from the Easter bunny but I did get a BB gun one year :o) Crazy right!