On Friday (the 22nd) Abby was officially 18 months old. I can't BELIEVE it's been a year and a half since she was born; and over 2 years since I found out I was pregnant. Time flies soooo fast! We've been so blessed by our sweet girl. We've recently started reading scriptures with her every night. She knows that we read a few verses and then she folds her arms to say prayers. It's so awesome how quickly littles ones catch on. My baby's so smart! (Not that I'm biased or anything..haha)
This morning I was getting Abby a banana for breakfast and she pointed to it and said "Nana." Adding that to her little list of words, she's saying a few things now. Zac's sisters said that she said "dishes" the other night. She is in love with babies and wants to hold any baby that we come across. When she holds her baby dolls, she hugs them and is very motherly...too cute! She loves to blow kisses at everybody when we leave somewhere.
I've got to drop off my clothes for the Rhea Lana consignment sale that is this coming week/weekend. I can't believe I'm going to be shopping for 2T summer clothes -- yikes!!
Took Abby to the doctor yesterday and she officially has the FLU! Yuck. Zac started feeling sick yesterday and when he came home said he was "Aching all over." Again, flu. So we are ALL THREE on Tamiflu. Zac and Abby are on the heavy duty treatment doses and I'm on the prevention dose. On the bright side, when Abby's sick, I get to stay home from work with her! Guess I need to Lysol the house this afternoon...
One thing I love about my husband -- when he does something, he goes all out! I told him I wanted my blog to look cooler...I wanted a header thing that went all across the top, like Natalie and Erin and that I wanted cooler backdrops (Natalie has a cute one). And I wanted my Friends and that stuff on the side instead of the bottom. I can figure out a lot of technological stuff, but I just didn't feel like trying to figure this out. So, two hours later -- TADA!!! We have a newly designed blog!
Just in case you were wondering, Abby's initials are ACE, that's why he named it ACEBlog...Abigail Christine Elliott.
I like to think of myself as a somewhat crafty person...I LOVE to scrapbook!! It was a sad day when my best bud and scrapbooking pal, Christine, moved to Dallas. But lately I've been thinking about trying other crafty stuff, too.
My mom sews -- very well -- and I figure I probably ought to learn how to do something besides sew a button back onto a pair of pants. I was looking at some patterns and material by Amy Butler and she has a really cute nappy (diaper) bag pattern that I might get brave and try.
My manager at work has gotten into beadwork, making necklaces and bracelets. I'm really impressed with what she makes; it looks like stuff you'd pay $30+ for at some department stores. So I might try that, too....
And then Zac wants me to try selling Mary Kay or something like that...something that will make some $$ so that we can speed up the Stay At Home Mom process.
There's just not enough time in the day.....