Thursday, April 08, 2010


Had to jot down a few things before I forget the date...

Emma is crawling!! She crawled about two 'steps' this evening while I was playing on the floor with her. YEA!!! Now both babies are on the move; I've got to get after my baby-proofing with a vengeance!

Cami is getting her bottom two teeth. I pried her mouth open today and could see that her gums are broken. That explains why she's been a little grouchy lately and pulling at her ears. Fun times to come! :)

Both babies are able to sit up on their own. From their tummies, they get on hands and knees, then fall back onto their booties. Then back to crawling...and into stuff. :)

Fun times at the Elliott house...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo for healthy growing babies. Give them big hugs (Abby too) from their Auntie C! Miss you all.