Ok, Moms...or anyone else who might have a good idea...
I need help! I swear, Abby is trying to kill these babies!! How do I get her to chill out and back off?? I mean, really - how many times should I have to tell a 3 yr old that LAYING ON TOP of the babies is not a good idea?!? Ugh....
Why do you think she is doing this?
Uh...I'm not sure that you want to take my advice, but it worked. Only Jordan was 3 and was sitting on the cat. (he was trying to keep the cat from running away from him) While he was on the couch, I started to sit on him until he asked me to stop. "Can the kitty ask you to stop?" I asked. "Nooooo..." I got off and he never did it again. We laugh about it now.
Pa said get a sack of potatoes and put down beside the babies and Abby will lay on that!
Let us know if it works and we'll publish it.
Ya I don't know what to tell you on that one - it's a constant problem at my home too. Good luck!
The "I Belong" buttons can be found at:
She has lots of other fun buttons too.
Blake us still trying to kill Tyler.
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