Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Ok, Moms...or anyone else who might have a good idea...

I need help! I swear, Abby is trying to kill these babies!! How do I get her to chill out and back off?? I mean, really - how many times should I have to tell a 3 yr old that LAYING ON TOP of the babies is not a good idea?!? Ugh....


Frieda Loves Bread said...

Why do you think she is doing this?

Uh...I'm not sure that you want to take my advice, but it worked. Only Jordan was 3 and was sitting on the cat. (he was trying to keep the cat from running away from him) While he was on the couch, I started to sit on him until he asked me to stop. "Can the kitty ask you to stop?" I asked. "Nooooo..." I got off and he never did it again. We laugh about it now.

Nancy Smith said...

Pa said get a sack of potatoes and put down beside the babies and Abby will lay on that!

Let us know if it works and we'll publish it.

Bobbi Lee said...

Ya I don't know what to tell you on that one - it's a constant problem at my home too. Good luck!

The "I Belong" buttons can be found at:


She has lots of other fun buttons too.

Natalie said...

Blake us still trying to kill Tyler.