Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Abby's fashion statements

Thought I would share a couple of fun 'outfits' Abby has been sporting here lately. :)
We got her some pink furry snowboots last week. She had a gift card left from her birthday and that covered the boots - yea!! As you can tell, she really likes her boots and her "Santa Claus hat." She does NOT however, really love Santa Claus...the shirt lies! :) She likes the idea - just not the fat guy in the suit!
Here are pics of Abby in her Christmas dress. It's a borrowed hand-me-down from Angie & Vivian and I LOVE IT!!! Abby wasn't cooperating enough for me to get the grand, wonderful pictures that I wanted, but you can still tell how cute the dress is. And the cute kid makes it look even better, of course! :)

Merry Christmas!!

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